Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Mission

Our Mission at Liberty Church remains unchanged from the marching orders given by the Lord Jesus Christ to His people in all times and places
(Mathew 28:19-20 ; Mark 16:15 ; Luke 24:46-48 ; John 20:21-23 ; Acts 1:8)

We are here to make disciples of Jesus by:
  • Helping people come to KNOW Him through His forgiveness and love
  • Leading them to GROW in that relationship by His people, His work, and His Spirit
  • Training them to GO forth to share His love and truth with ever more people

Our Vision

Our Vision puts our mission into our present day and location
  • To be faithful to God and His Word
  • To apply His truth to situations facing lives, families, and society today
  • To build a loving, growing, thriving fellowship of Christ followers who truly love God and love people and exhibit it by serving God and others
  • To help each member realize their calling of service within the body of Christ
  • To reach more and more people with the good news of Jesus Christ